Wednesday, October 6, 2010

After a year you would think I could do better...

So, I have decided to start blogging again. Unfortunately, this will be a short post as I have a job that requires me to get up between 4 and 4:30 am and subsequently makes me retire to my sleeping quarters before my 88 year old grandmother does.

A few things:
*Anyone notice that I changed the name of my blog? Many reasons...don't get me wrong, I still wake up every day and enjoy a nice tall glass of hater-aide, but in all honesty the name doesn't fit anymore and while I liked it at first, it never really completely fit anyway.

*I also will try very hard to capitalize things. I have no excuse anymore. I hated doing it before b/c I was in grad school and wrote so many effing papers that I just wanted to write a blog and not worry about crap such as capitalizing.

*I have the most beautiful, amazing baby that I have ever seen. And, you should believe me since I work with babies all the livelong damn day.

*I will post pictures of said World's Most Beautiful Baby soon.

*How can I be so sure I am going to keep posting and not continue to be lame and suck ass you ask? Jeeze, lay off, I just got back! But, if it makes you feel reassured, I have another set of boards to study for because I am the queen of procrastination and what better way to use one's spare time than to write blog posts? Brilliant.

*ok, this capitalizing everything is already pissing me off.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are back :D! I have been coming back to your blog in hope of new posts every now and then. And congrats on your baby boy!

Kate said...

What was the old title? Congrats on your son, and looking forward to pics!

Tiffanie said...

Thanks Emily!

Kate, thanks as well! Equal opportunity hater was the previous name.

'Murgdan' said...

:-) Hiiiii Lady! Welcome Back....glad to see you of COURSE...and a job that requires waking at 4am....vomit. Didn't we go back to school to get BETTER EASIER jobs. Yeah, that doesn't always work out so much. ;-)

Marie said...

So excited to see that little one! Oh, and I am glad you are back but you know after the baby comes, everyone really wants to see what THEY are up to.

To A T said...

Hooray! I'm so glad to see you back! And I can't wait to see some pics of the worlds (2nd) most beautiful baby (I, of course and biased and consider B to the #1) ;)

Unknown said...

WELCOME BACK! I'm excited beyond words!