Friday, August 21, 2009

hello ICLW!

hi everyone! here's a quick history of us and our IF breakdown. more detail is in the sidebar if interested. complete with snark and swearing. a warning if easily offended:)

my dh and i have been together for 10yrs, married for 6. he's 35, i'm 30. we started ttc 3 yrs ago and after every test/procedure possible i was found to have endometriosis. after it was removed we still did not get pregnant so we were given a diagnosis of unexplained infertility. after 5 IUI's and 2 IVF's we are cautiously awaiting our first little one to be born in february 2010.

i am currently off of work on medical leave with a zofran pump for hyperemesis. when not at home i work as a RN in peds ICU and if i stop throwing up long enough i will take my boards to be a pediatric nurse practitioner.

if only i had all that money i wasted on birth control i could stay home for the duration of this pregnancy. or buy a yacht to show up p-diddy, diddy, daddy-o or what the hell ever he goes by these days.


Big Mama T said...

Ugh, so sorry about the hyperemesis- but good luck on your boards!!! And seriously, I could take a chunk outta my mortgage with the wasted BC money. *rolls eyes*

Marie said...

I do hope you get better soon missy. If I were you I wouldn't be upset about the yaht as you would be yaking over the side right now anyway.

Eileen said...

So sorry to hear about your hyperemesis. That is horrible! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I look forward to reading more about your pregnancy journey.


C said...

ugh! i hope you stop puking soon :(

Kate said...

I'm sorry for your hypermesis. I'm glad that you conceived successfully. I wish you luck in your journey!

Beautiful Mess said...

Happy ICLW!!!

I think he goes by "show off asshole", but that's just what I heard...

Here's hopin you feel better soon!

Megs said...

Really sorry to hear about your hyperemesis, I can't even imagine! I have been sick, but definitely nothing like that. Good luck with your boards! And also, good luck with the rest of your pregnancy journey! I still have that uneasy feeling that something is going to go wrong :( I don't like it. But trying to do better with it.


'Murgdan' said...

No more puking! Ugh....and check you out with your free time...participating in ICLW and stuff. :-) Just wish you had free time for a better reason that vomiting.

Mrs. Gamgee said...

It's insane how much we all spent on BCPs, trying NOT to get pregnnt! If we all got together, we coule probably have bailed out GM.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your pregnancy, I hope it all goes smoothly for you!


Rambler said...

Hoping the time off will help with some of those physical symptoms! It's been very helpful (and OMG, funny as heck!!) to read your older entries. Congrats and bestest wishes on the pregnancy.

BB said...

Sorry to hear about your hyperemesis! Wishing you a healthy remainder of the pregnancy!


Low Fat Lady said...

Thanks for the note on my blog. I'm sorry about your hyperemesis. I knew someone who had it as well. She went on to have a beautiful daughter. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for visiting my blog! I'm glad to find yours - you are hilarious! Though I'm very sorry about the hyperemesis - though your post above was hysterical it sounds pretty damn miserable.

As for the birth control - I hear you! I think I could've bought a fleet of yachts! Does that make me sound slutty?


sunflowerchilde said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog! I liked reading through your ttc timeline on the left there ... very descriptive! I have unexplained infertility, and still wonder if I have endo or something. Congrats on your pregnancy!

Chelle said...

Congrats on the pregnancy (even if it does make you sick)! February is a great month to have babies (I might be a little biased). I hope the sickness eases up and you are fast back on track.

Hoping for our own Peanut said...

we are unexplained also and expecting our little miracle after ivf/icsi. congrats to you and your husband!


Courtney said...

Good luck with your pregnancy! I hope you start to feel better soon!